Hall Of Fame

These are the greatest players of Freeciv-web! Each row shows the result of one game.
Rank: Name: Nation: End turn: End date: Score (all): Score: Map:
1 pfitzpat European 928 2022-05-24 38805 38805
2 krncthl Byzantine 1480 2022-03-23 94071 25348
3 krncthl Byzantine 1244 2022-03-21 94071 23000
4 krncthl Byzantine 762 2022-02-26 94071 12560
5 krncthl Byzantine 616 2022-02-21 94071 9562
6 krncthl Byzantine 554 2022-02-14 94071 8068
7 krncthl Byzantine 1253 2020-12-09 94071 5477
8 Qanqor Polish 618 2022-09-25 21500 5168
9 dviana Cuban 285 2022-05-01 12220 4806
10 dviana Cuban 285 2022-05-03 12220 4806
11 krncthl Byzantine 429 2022-02-10 94071 3603
12 krncthl American 801 2020-12-16 94071 3146
13 Qanqor Polish 408 2022-01-24 21500 2830
14 Qanqor Polish 408 2022-01-24 21500 2830
15 Qanqor Polish 408 2022-01-24 21500 2830
16 GavinNewsome Californian 305 2023-02-05 12587 2644
17 GavinNewsome Californian 331 2023-03-30 12587 2635
18 GavinNewsome Californian 331 2023-03-30 12587 2635
19 dviana Brazilian 271 2022-02-25 12220 2608
20 diegosvo Manchu 270 2021-12-03 2563 2563
21 Qanqor Polish 368 2023-10-24 21500 2541
22 Qanqor Polish 368 2023-10-24 21500 2541
23 GavinNewsome Californian 351 2022-11-07 12587 2382
24 Qanqor Polish 375 2021-09-13 21500 2010
25 gue Egyptian 308 2024-02-25 1821 1821
26 Calarenne Werewolf 1071 2021-08-10 1815 1815
27 asdyxc Hanseatic 536 2022-06-22 1811 1811
28 Hans German 357 2021-10-07 12234 1497
29 Hans Burkinab� 296 2021-11-11 12234 1469
30 Hans German 282 2022-12-07 12234 1381
31 Ace Californian 1114 2023-03-08 1610 1347
32 ryanjack Swiss 452 2023-10-05 4563 1259
33 Hans Rapa Nui 318 2021-11-24 12234 1227
34 mik Austrian 424 2022-01-04 1223 1223
35 GavinNewsome Californian 260 2022-12-11 12587 1222
36 Hans German 280 2022-02-03 12234 1209
37 Hans Tanzanian 292 2022-03-25 12234 1203
38 arzle Babylonian 404 2021-12-21 1163 1163
39 Hans Komi 312 2022-07-20 12234 1140
40 yugga Papal 267 2022-08-10 1100 1100
41 Hans Gepid 284 2021-10-29 12234 1090
42 ryanjack Irish 310 2022-12-03 4563 1074
43 GavinNewsome Californian 297 2022-07-31 12587 1069
44 Hans Karen 301 2022-10-14 12234 1046
45 krncthl Byzantine 336 2022-02-05 94071 1036
46 perlachturm Bavarian 425 2024-07-20 1018 1018
47 jamkuhl Hacker 184 2023-03-09 992 992
48 Hans German 325 2023-05-11 12234 972
49 abcde Qatari 381 2023-02-15 888 888
50 Bargub Esperant 411 2022-06-02 886 886
51 Krakenkarl Ryukyuan 471 2024-06-03 882 882
52 Meta German 497 2023-05-09 879 879
53 hello Sicilian 388 2022-02-09 854 854
54 Napoleon French 378 2022-06-26 830 830
55 sshottest Iranian 211 2019-08-10 1635 794
56 BlueNova Greek 1033 2022-12-16 792 792
57 ryanjack English 292 2023-11-19 4563 764
58 ryanjack Irish 411 2021-09-18 4563 763
59 sshottest Nim�ipuu 222 2020-01-24 1635 750
60 Qanqor Polish 332 2023-07-02 21500 750
61 bozo American 756 2023-02-13 744 744
62 krncthl Atlantean 301 2020-12-14 94071 706
63 ryanjack Portuguese 374 2023-07-31 4563 703
64 asd Brazzaville-Congolese 366 2023-11-30 1312 683
65 vladislav Cossack 425 2023-12-05 665 665
66 krncthl Byzantine 488 2020-11-28 94071 660
67 Earl American 200 2021-03-25 640 640
68 asd Yemeni 280 2024-03-31 1312 629
69 Ange Babylonian 307 2021-05-23 608 608
70 monkee Vampire 492 2021-11-17 816 540
71 anonymousmaster Macedon 156 2019-05-04 1557 525
72 anonymousmaster Macedon 155 2019-01-18 1557 516
73 anonymousmaster Macedon 155 2019-01-25 1557 516
74 Bradsin Atlantean 688 2022-10-03 457 457
75 rais Amazigh 634 2022-09-24 446 446
76 krncthl Byzantine 280 2020-11-27 94071 390
77 Thorrak Buryat 725 2023-03-05 311 311
78 Con175 Hacker 534 2023-05-18 311 311
79 monkee Mayan 540 2021-11-30 816 276
80 Ace Californian 274 2023-03-03 1610 263
81 Qwerty Viking 499 2021-09-08 247 247
82 Andrea Soviet 532 2021-09-12 218 218
83 krncthl Monegasque 121 2020-12-13 94071 194
84 krncthl Monegasque 121 2020-12-12 94071 182
85 krncthl Hellenic 118 2020-11-29 94071 139
86 sshottest Salishan 215 2020-04-14 1635 91
87 idima93 Italian 32 2023-07-22 3 3