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New Freeciv-web Multiplayer Game Pregame Play Info
New Freeciv-web Multiplayer Game Pregame Play Info
New Freeciv-web Multiplayer Game Pregame Play Info
New Freeciv-web Multiplayer Game Pregame Play Info

A Play-By-Email game is a deathmatch on a small map with up to 4 human players, playing with alternating turns, and players get an e-mail every time it is their turn to play. These games are often played over a long time period, each player has 7 days to complete their turn.

To start a new Play-By-Email game, log in here. To play your turn in a running Play-By-Email game, click on the link in the last e-mail you got from Freeciv-web. Games are expired after 7 days if you don't play your turn.

Ongoing games

Players Time left

Current player is marked in bold.

Finished games

Winner Game Date Player 1 Player 2
Jakubjakub8 2024-11-19 Jakubjakub8 (W: 1) Matejaku (W: 0)
Vladislav 2023-12-25 Vladislav (W: 1) Yakobdmitrievichshteyman (W: 0)
Jamkuhl 2023-03-09 Atan (W: 2) Jamkuhl (W: 1)
Atan 2023-02-13 Atan (W: 2) Az2023 (W: 0)
Atan 2023-02-08 Atan (W: 2) Af2023 (W: 0)
Robert74 2020-04-13 Janusz85 (W: 0) Robert74 (W: 3)
Robert74 2020-01-24 Menada (W: 0) Robert74 (W: 3)
Madmax 2019-08-03 Madmax (W: 2) Corbeau (W: 2)
Robert74 2019-07-26 Menada (W: 0) Robert74 (W: 3)
Andrewluck 2019-07-01 Andrewluck (W: 2) Veilinsa (W: 0)
Anonymousmaster 2019-06-06 Anonymousmaster (W: 2) Petron (W: 0)
Andrewluck 2019-05-16 Andrewluck (W: 2) Veilinsa (W: 0)
Littlej 2019-04-16 Littlej (W: 1) Panzerwae (W: 1)
Corbeau 2019-04-13 Corbeau (W: 2) Fuzzydunlop (W: 4)
Madmax 2019-04-12 Madmax (W: 2) Fuzzydunlop (W: 4)
Panzerwae 2019-03-31 Panzerwae (W: 1) Littlej (W: 1)
Corbeau 2019-03-12 Corbeau (W: 2) Fuzzydunlop (W: 4)
Plapla 2019-03-01 Plapla (W: 1) Lucas025 (W: 0)
Fuzzydunlop 2019-02-15 Fuzzydunlop (W: 4) Kfish1 (W: 0)
Cylon 2019-02-08 Cylon (W: 1) Petroglyph (W: 0)